We are an Independent local Letting Agents and Property Management for Tenants and Landlords, Serving Chepstow, Caldicot, Magor, Lydney and all surrounding areas. We always require new Properties and landlords. We offer a No Let - No Fee service.
Kingsmark Properties, is an Accredited Independent Rental Agency run by local lady, Tracy Wilcox, who has over fifteen years extensive experience and local knowledge, offering a friendly, efficient and professional service throughout, Chepstow and South Monmouthshire.
Sue M. — Tracy has rented 2 of my properties for the past 8 years. Always helpful, professional, deals with any problems with ease
5* Bought and sold a number of properties over the last few years, can't recommend them enough! Great staff, great service! Sold my house through Davis and sons. First class service from response time from initial contact, to the quality pictures being taken, to it going on the market. Had interest almost immediately and house sold after first viewing.
Qype User Helenj — Lovely friendly palace to find a new house the staff are great.

Moon & Co are the leading estate agents in Chepstow and in our opinion enjoy a majority of the market share, also having a branch in the nearby town of Caldicot. We are selling property and country houses throughout the South Monmouthshire, West Gloucestershire and Wye Valley regions.
Sally Lewis — I have recently purchased a property through Moon and Co. I had one of their team assigned to me to assist with the sale
The data provided here is based on local property price changes as provided by Land Registry and do not take into consideration improvements made to the property or current local market trends. These are not to be relied on for property sale. We strongly recommend you to book a valuation with your local property expert for a professional valuation of your property.
Jack Ahern — From a buyers perspective: The estate agent couldn't answer any questions at our viewing, they had very little knowledge